Personal Learning Network (PLN)

I have utilized many Web 2.0 tools in order to build my PLN throughout this semester. These tools include Evernote, Twitter, LinkedIn, Delicious, Bloglines, and Classroom2.0. Please feel free to explore each subgroup within my PLN folder to learn more about my experiences with these tools. 
Comparative Reflection
The tools I found to be most useful during the building of my Personal Learning Network (PLN) were Bloglines ( and Delicious ( Both tools provided me with accounts I could use to access the things I needed in one place. I was able to use my RSS feed tool, Bloglines, to save the links to any educational blogs I was interested in. Once the link was saved, I simply had to access my Bloglines account in order to access all of the blogs. Bloglines showed me which blogs were updated and I was able to read the blog entry right in my own account without ever having to go to the actual blog. However, if I wanted to go directly to the blog, Bloglines made that easy, too. I simply had to click on the title of the blog within my account and it would take me directly there. 
The social bookmarking tool I chose to use was Delicious. Delicious was the most useful PLN tool I used this semester because as an educator and as a lifelong learner I utilize many websites on a regular basis. I was able to save websites and tag them for future use right into my Delicious account. I have already utilized my Delicious account several times for use in my kindergarten classroom as well as for my graduate coursework. I also found myself adding sites to my account that I found in our reading throughout this semester, which I did not do prior to having a Delicious account. In the past, I would have marked a site with an asterisk or written it on a post-it note, but most likely would have never followed through with accessing the site. Delicious is so user-friendly that I did not mind taking a few seconds to add relevant sites to my account. Delicious is more effective than simply bookmarking a page directly to a computer because it can be accessed from any computer or mobile device the account holder is using. I also liked the fact that I can share my links with other educators as well as access the tags and links of other users that are of interest to me. 
I believe both of these tools will continue to be beneficial for me in the future. 


My PLN links with the following Virginia Technology Standards

A. Instructional personnel shall be able to demonstrate effective use of a computer system and utilize computer software.

B. Instructional personnel shall be able to apply knowledge of terms associated with educational computing and technology.

D. Instructional personnel shall be able to use electronic technologies to access and exchange information.

F. Instructional personnel shall be able to use educational technologies for data collection, information management, problem solving, decision making, communication, and presentation within the curriculum.

H. Instructional personnel shall demonstrate knowledge of ethical and legal issues relating to the use of technology.


My PLN links with the following International Technology Standards:

ISTE Standards for Teachers

3. Model digital age work and learning: Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.
4. Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility: Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital 
culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices.
5. Engage in professional growth and leadership: Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources.